The manufacturer of luxury smartphones Vertu took the wraps off its latest creation, the Signature Touch. The Android KitKat device packs high-end specs and the usual whopping price tag which kicks off at a cool £6,750 (about $11,300)
Vertu Signature Touch sports Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 SoC with 2.3GHz quad-core CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 64GB of memory. The handset’s display is a 4.7” 1080p unit covered by sapphire glass.
The camera department of the handset is where things get really interesting. The device features a 13MP camera unit with dual-LED flash, tuned by the photography powerhouse Hasselblad. The front-facing snapper is a 2.1MP unit.
Hasselblad is not the only co-branding partner in the Vertu Signature Touch. The smartphone’s audio is tuned by Bang & Olufsen. The audio products’ manufacturer also supplies an ultra-premium over-ear headset and wireless speaker as additional accessories.
Connectivity options of the device include LTE in addition to the standard high-end smartphone fare. The device is powered by a 2,275 mAh battery and supports Qi wireless charging.
Out of the box, the Vertu Signature Touch will boot Android 4.4 KitKat. Naturally, Vertu’s exclusive Concierge service will also be on board.
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